Saturday, March 14, 2015

One Time Change Later...

Last Saturday, you may recall, I posted some none-too-springy photos. Well, yesterday we saw this:

Even though the temp was well above freezing, we still have some of this laying around.

However, we put out our old birdhouse which the sparrows love. Someone moved in the very next day.

Last year's sedum was removed (by yours truly), and there is new growth there.

The resurrection lilies are looking better.

My newish mint plant is coming back too.

Yea! Warm weather and green!! Hope it holds. Have a nice weekend!


  1. I like how you painted the numbers around your thermometer. Very art nouveau

  2. Wow! You've got quite a lot going on there indicating Spring is indeed on its way to your neighborhood!
    We've got lots of that too...though still very soggy from all the much needed rain!

  3. I just wrote a post similar to that for sometime next week..Going to have some freezing nighttime temps next week but DRY!!!! Enjoy your weekend..

  4. Amazing how quickly it can change! Hope your warm temperatures stick around and you don't get any more of that white stuff!
