Friday, May 31, 2013


Collage Obsession has an open challenge this week so anything qualifies.  This is anything:

I just finished this small collage.  Kind of a pain.  The specialty paper I chose for the bottom layers didn't want to adhere, and the grasses I drew on it sort of disappeared into it no matter what I used; I wanted them darker.  Needles to say, I don't think I'll be using that paper again!

In case you are Led Zeppelin deprived, "Kashmir" is one of their songs, and "one of their songs" is quite an understatement.

Have a nice Friday!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Wacky Answer

So yesterday's (5-29-13) Grazin' Bran Wacky was, of course, Raisin Bran.  That mod style font was actually on the real box at that time.  Good ol' 1973.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Wacky Pack Wednesday

I "bet" everyone will know this Wacky. This is an oldie-- I always liked it as a kid.

Only one more week of school around here-- the countdown is on!

Happy Wed!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

TT/Letter U

A little leeway this week, please.  For the letter U at Tag Tuesday, I chose Lucille Ball.  Come on-- there is a U in her name!  The photo, from the 1930s, might surprise some of you.  Miss Ball was a blonde early in her career.  She became a redhead in 1943, and the rest is history.


Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day 2013

Yesterday I went to a nearby cemetery where several of my relatives "reside." Thought the photos were appropriate for today's holiday.

Have a nice, thoughtful holiday.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Yard Blooms

Just thought I'd take a break from all the paper art I've been posting lately with some flowers from my backyard.

Hmm... I seem to be in a purple rut, don't I?

Have a super Saturday!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Sewing Art

In complete contrast to yesterday's work, here is a piece I made for the "Take A Word Challenge:" sewing.  I decided to check The Graphics Fairy for a sewing image and came across these four dress forms in different colors.  I immediately thought of an Andy Warhol-esque collage.

Sometimes less really is more.

And for those of you who couldn't sleep last night, here are the people and songs featured on yesterday's collage: from the upper left, then around clockwise: The Mamas and Papas, Grace Slick  of Jefferson Airplane, Led Zeppelin, The Rolling Stones, The Doors.

The lyrics: "Night divides the day" is from "Break On Through" by The Doors.  "McGuinn and McGuire couldn't get no higher" is from "Creeque Alley" by The Mamas and Papas.  "I want it painted black" is from "Paint It Black" by The Rolling Stones.  "Been dazed and confused for so long" is from "Dazed and Confused" by Led Zeppelin.  "The ego sings of castles and kings" is from "The Porpoise Song" by The Monkees.  "Remember what the dormouse said" is from "White Rabbit" by Jefferson Airplane.

Here's to the start of a long weekend!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Wacky Answer

Maybelline mascara was pretty obvious from yesterday's (5-22-13) Wacky, right? The style of that product certainly has changed.  And in browsing my own Etsy store, I had forgotten this listing.  It is a 1950s Maybelline mascara ad!  I'd say something about great minds, but it's my blog and my store-- how conceited can you get?!  Maybe I should say something about forgetful minds!

Retro Art 1960s

Inspiration Avenue's current challenge is right up my alley.  "Retro art, the 50s or 60s."  I hold the late 60s/early70s very dear.  Freud would probably diagnose my fetish as psychological; going back home. Maybe so.  I do miss the mod clothes, psychedelic colors, great music.  As much as I detest getting older, I am grateful I grew up in such an exciting era.  So here is a small collage celebrating the 60s music scene.

Can you name everyone? Do you what songs the lyrics are from?  Think about it.  I'll post the answers tomorrow.


Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Wacky Pack Wednesday

Okay, ladies, you should recognize this Wacky.  Although, this older type, in a box, is before my time; at least before my "make-up" time.

Have a beautiful day!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

TT/Letter T

For the letter T this week at Tag Tuesday, I chose the ever humble, very natural actor Spencer Tracy.  He made acting look so easy.  Guess that is the mark of real talent.

Happy Tuesday!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Saturday Sales

I knew of one estate/garage sale (that was how it was billed) near me Saturday and headed out with the family in tow.  Well, we also stumbled upon four more sales within the same neighborhood.  Pleasant surprise.  Here's the haul:

Rather large, very 70s looking crewel picture. Keeping this for myself! It cost all of one dollar. I asked the garage sale proprietress if she knew who had made it. She said, "My great-aunt, and I'm selling it because I know she won't be here today."

 An old feed sack apron, modeled by my daughter.

Old Bingo game, fold-over stationery from Current (I have a soft spot for vintage Current as my mother  always bought it back in the 70s), old alarm clock that so far is working, raffia letter holder, bunch of vintage floral and fruit seals-- never found any of those at a garage sale before.  Neat!

So a not too promising morning turned out pretty darn good.  I'll take that any day of the week!

Happy thrifting out there!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Great-Grandma's Dolls

My great-grandmother made these two dolls many, many years ago.  I have to guess when-- 1930s?  Maybe sooner?  Maybe later?  The fabric and styles suggest 20s or 30s to me.

They're about 24 inches long, and each even has her own undergarments.

I'm impressed both pairs of shoes are still with us.

A little hard to see, but all three buttons are different.  I imagine Grandmother was using odds and ends here.

My sister has a smaller doll made by the same great-grandma.  I'll have to post about that someday.

Linking to Mockingbird Hill Cottage and "A Favorite Thing" since a handmade doll from a great-grandmother is a very special thing.

Have a great weekend!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Poppies Are Popping

I mentioned last year that a friend of mine gave me some poppies from her yard when I moved into my house.  Well, I'm still here and so are the poppies-- doing well as usual.

This week went by fast for me; how about you?  Happy Friday!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Wacky Answer

Yesterday's (5-15-13) Wacky Pack wasn't too tough: Gerber Barley Cereal for babies.  And, yes, they still do make that.  Been many years since I bought baby cereal or wiped up baby food from the baby, high chair, floor...  Can't say I miss that part of motherhood!

Hawaiian ATC

Inspiration Avenue posted a theme of "Sad Girls With Flowers In Their Hair" this week.  I found this clip art image at The Graphics Fairy.  Although this girl doesn't look too sad, she definitely is not smiling-- and she has flowers in her hair.  Sold! So I whipped up yet another ATC.

Have a good one!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Wacky Pack Wednesday

Since we just celebrated Mother's Day, I thought this was a timely Wacky.  I think all of us mothers have been here.  Yes, they still make this, but once again, the packaging has changed quite a bit.  Why do modern marketers shrink the logo or image?  Seems to be a current trend.  Hmm...

Have a "neat" day!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

TT/Letter S

How can you resist Shirley Temple for the letter "S" at Tag Tuesday?  She was so popular as a child actor that the royalties she received from her merchandise outgrossed her income from her films.  Shirley has had quite a life, and is now 84 years old.

I have this postcard that was sent to my mother from her dad in 1942.  It shows Shirley Temple's footsteps and signature at Grauman's Chinese Theater.

Happy Tuesday, folks!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Bluebells For A Dumbbell

So I noticed a leafy weed coming up in my garden, and I did not pull it out right away for reasons unknown.  Then the weed bloomed with small blue flowers.  Kinda neat so I left it alone.  Several days later it dawned on me this weed is a Virginia Bluebell that I transplanted last year.   I'd say that qualifies me as a dumbbell.

In my defense, this plant never bloomed before.  It was in a much too sunny spot which is why I moved it.  After that, the leaves shriveled up, it looked dead, and I obviously never gave it another thought.   I'm so glad I didn't pull it out!  Either laziness paid off for once, or we can chalk it up to Divine Intervention.

And as long as we've established I'm a dumbbell about flowers-- I really have yellow tulips??  At least I knew right away this was not a weed!

Go show me up and have a smart day!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Night Skies

So Artful Challenges posted the theme "Night Skies" this week.  I didn't have any plans to enter until I came across this old playing card in my stash.  So I guess it was meant to be.  The trees on the left and the birds (that I hope don't look like bats) I added with watercolor.  Oh, I better mention that it is a note card.

Have a nice weekend!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Vintage (Make That "Old") Yearbooks

Looky what I found at my local thrift store last week.  Two old yearbooks.  How fun. The one on the left is from 1945 and a military academy. The one on the right is from 1938 and a university.

Funny how mature (old?) people looked back then.  Do you think someone will say that about our pictures some century???

More happy staff members.

Keep in mind these are university freshman students.  But still...

Nothing like stylish old swimsuits.  And apparently the photographer couldn't wait for everyone to dry off!

These will make the trip to my Etsy shop soon.  Hope someone can use them or add them to a collection.

Linking to The Thrifty Groove today.

Hurray for Friday!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Wacky Answer

Did you know yesterday's (5-8-13) Wacky Pack?  Sealtest Light N Lively yogurt.  I think you can still buy it, and I think it's still sold in a blue container.  Maybe one of you know for sure.

Sunrise, Sunset

The inspiration this week at Inspiration Avenue is "sunrises and sunsets."  Very nice theme.  My ATC uses a vintage playing card and equally vintage dictionary text.

I live in very vintage suburbia so I rarely see a sunrise or sunset.  Too many tall trees and too many roof peaks.  Miss seeing them.

Have a good one wherever you are!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Wacky Pack Wednesday

I believe this product is still available.  Do you recognize it?

Hope your day isn't too dizzy!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

TT/Letter R

With my Paul Newman tag a couple of weeks ago, you might have guessed Robert Redford was waiting in the wings.  Plus that is double "R" for Tag Tuesday this week.  Bonus.

This image is also from Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.  Great film. Would you believe Mr. Redford is now 76 years old?  Oh boy.

After that depressing thought-- go have a good day!

Monday, May 6, 2013

What Is It?

Okay, all you vintage sellers, buyers, collectors, experts...  What is this?

I'm assuming it is some sort of food masher, but does anyone know exactly what it was used for?  It belonged to my Grandmother, and I recently pulled it out of a cupboard to display for awhile.  Of course, neither grandmother is around today to ask.

Thanks for your input!

Have a good start to the week!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Flower Power

I have a few more flowers blooming since my last "flower" post.  These are rather artistic looking.  Up first, a pretty tulip.

Doesn't this tulip look too perfect to be real?

Yes, a dandelion!  Click on the photo to enlarge-- look at those curly stamens.

My husband shot this in my dad's yard last weekend.  The tulips are already done :(

I actually picked this daff to bring in, not noticing it was occupied, and that bee took his sweet time too.

This pretty bunch is in my neighbors' yard-- close enough to the fence that I could snap a picture.

Linking to Mockingbird Hill Cottage and "A Favorite Thing."  Since the weather has cooled off around here once again, it's nice to see some flowers.  Kinda need a visual reminder that it is indeed May!  Flowers really do have "power," don't they?

Enjoy your weekend!