Tuesday, November 25, 2014

A Four Letter Word

I left my house yesterday morning in pouring rain. I came home about an hour and a half later to snow.  Remember the lovely, pink sedum I posted on Sunday? This is what it looks like now.

Rhody in her "bun." I never thought of that when I picked this light orange color, but her coat does look a little like a hot dog bun. My sister said I should draw the Oscar Mayer logo on the sides.

Gee, we didn't even make it to Thanksgiving this year before we saw snow. And I know I'm not the only person able to say that this year.

Have a nice Tuesday!


  1. Cute doggie! It was freezing (for Florida- dropping to 20s-30s sometimes) after a tornado-making cold front, now it's hot again and I'm using the AC! Oh, you schizophrenic Florida weather, make up your mind.

    1. We get schizo weather here too. However, this November has just been stuck on "COLD!" Happy Thanksgiving to you!

  2. No Diane, you are in good company. I guess it's coming up the East Coast. Supposed to snow all day here tomorrow. Happy turkey!

  3. You're lucky, we didn't even make it to Halloween and it snowed!!!

  4. That does look cold! I know this is hard to believe...it was hard for us to believe...but it was 88 degrees here yesterday! It will be in the 70s the rest of the week. But that was HOT ...even for us! Enjoy your week! Happy Thanksgiving sweet friend!

  5. Love your "Hot Dog" lol! I get cold just looking at your photos!

    Happy Thanksgiving

    1. Thanks, Carol-- Happy Thanksgiving to you too!

    2. Winter came much too early this year. We've already had snow twice and more is expected before Thanksgiving. Love the dog in her bun. :)
