Sunday, October 20, 2013

The Day After

You'll be thrilled to know I survived our garage sale yesterday. The weather cooperated I'm happy to report with the exception of a few wind gusts. Many of my handmade note cards and such sold. I must admit I'm kind of surprised about that.

Didn't sell much vintage dishes at all.  Surprised about that too.

The books didn't move either. What did sell? Some electronic equipment, kids' clothing, mother-in-law tongue plants-- believe it or not. I separated some of my plants and sold 4 large pots worth.

So it just goes to show, you can never be sure what will and will not sell at a garage sale. And I am in no big hurry to do this again!

Happy Sunday!


  1. It's such hard work to have a sale. I'm glad you sold some things lightens the load! I'll look at your books in Etsy. Relax today! Hugs!

  2. I'm always surprised at what sells or doesn't sell too.

  3. You might be onto something...maybe crafts are a good seller in your neighborhood?


  4. I am glad you did sell some things. It is such a lot of work to do a garage sale....and you want big results. Thank goodness you sold clothing. Enjoy your day after!!

  5. Yard sales are so much work!!! I think I would have bought something.....

  6. I've done my last yard sale..NOT WORTH IT !! I always bagged up the things that didn't sell and let the trash guys take it..After all, If it's in a garage sale..You didn't want it anyway..
