Thursday, February 6, 2014

What A Winter

This winter, especially since January, has been been quite a challenge in many regions. Mine has been no exception. The snow now piled up at corners and ends of driveways reminds me of the 70s-- we had a lot more snow back then. I could have survived without reliving that memory.

Here is a three, maybe four, foot pine in my yard a few weeks ago.

Here it is about a week and a half ago.

And here it is (or "isn't") yesterday.

Woe is us.  How much longer until Spring???

Have a good one!


  1. That poor pine! We have a LOT like that in our yard. Stay warm!!

  2. YES, SPRING COME back soon, we miss you. But looking at your pics we are oretty lucky because we have no snow at all here in south portugal. Its raining right now, means staying indoors. Lets think positive, let it rain, we need water to live :)

    1. Ohhh... no snow sounds wonderful! About ten degrees today. Brr!

  3. Now that's a buried little tree and it so well illustrates exactly how deep the snow! It will recover well, won't it? (My question shows me how little I know about snow!)

  4. It's been annoying..Not anxious for summer heat though..

  5. We are having crazy weather here in Orlando too it will be 90 one day and then today it was only 60....weird year for weather for sure!


    1. I can live w/o 90, but 60 sounds delicious!

  6. I can't imagine.
    Really. I just can't imagine. I feel for everyone that has taken the brunt of the snow here in North America.
    We had snow fall as close as 24 miles today... but NONE here. It was colder than billy hades though! I'm sorry for you and your little tree!

  7. We haven't had any snow in a few days, but I'm sure we will soon!!

  8. Oh dear, looks like Mother Nature is being mean to you too! Hang in there, Spring can't be too far away ... can it?!
