Friday, February 21, 2014

Small Offering

We all know what a winter this has been (and continues as such). When I stepped out a few days ago, a pretty blue color caught my eye. Color? Outside? In February?? It was a blue jay feather in the snow. The camera (or the human taking the picture) didn't capture the blue very well. It was a nice little reminder that spring, birds, flowers... are not too fay away. I hope.

Have a pleasant day!


  1. What a nice surprise! I hope the sun shines today and you have a good day! Sweet hugs, Diane

  2. Blue jays are at our feeders all the time, they are so skittish though, can never get a picture and they never leave any feathers behind!!!

    It is so very dark here this morning, freezing rain warning last night, now wind warning....

  3. Sweet Diane...altho Blue Jays are not among my favorite birds...Have a good weekend..

  4. Oh I just love little reminders like that.
    We've had a grey and dry snow, but some days were definitely dreary.
    I wish I'd had my camera the day a flock of Eastern Blue birds came to the bird bath to drink! they were beautiful!
    The closer spring gets... I may be lucky enough to see a flock of Yellow Finches. They look like misplaced lemons. :)
    I'm so ready for spring, I can only imagine how you must feel about it.

  5. Pretty, pretty, blue jays are such wonderful birds. Hope Spring springs soon, I am so ready for it!
