Tuesday, September 24, 2013


"Egypt" is the theme at Tag Tuesday this week. I admit it-- I don't know much about Egypt, and my tag probably advertises that. But now I have another Halloween decoration. Ever see The Mummy with Boris? It's pretty good. The first time the mummy opens his eyes-- eek!!

Have a classic day!


  1. Awesome tag, Diane! I prefer the classics any day over the movies they make now. TOO scary and gory for me!
    Happy Fall!

  2. Girl... You may not know much about Egypt...but the way your mind works on these 'themed' projects...blows MY MIND!
    I get the mummy, egypt connection, NOW. But don't know if I'd come up with that on my own.
    Love the way you think outside the box-- Pat

  3. Very good connection AND very funny....love it!!
