Friday, July 24, 2015

Thrifting Finds

I lucked into some thrift finds this week. Up first is a nice, newer craft book for paper enthusiasts (like me).

Melmac type plastic bowls, although these are unmarked. These are a cute little size-- about 4" across at the top.

And a bunch of vintage handkerchiefs. Lots of fun, pretty patterns. These will be on Etsy since I have some already that I use for doilies and dresser scarves.

Notice the one on the right. Does the lettering look sort of strange? It makes a message when folded. See below.

Clever, eh?

Have a pleasant day!


  1. The hankies are great!

    Getting dressed and heading out for a few sales now.

  2. Clever hanky..great me from it..Shore dinnerware

  3. cute hanky! love the secret/folded message
    the turquoise... Melmac!!!
    I told the hubby of my plans to collect some for the camper!
    I hope I come across some round these parts...

  4. That was a worthwhile stop!! I managed a couple of decks of vintage playing cards and a Vera, I was happy for those!! Enjoy your new book!!

  5. Cool book and love the colour of those bowls. The hankies are very nice and the last one is very clever!
