Saturday, May 25, 2013

Yard Blooms

Just thought I'd take a break from all the paper art I've been posting lately with some flowers from my backyard.

Hmm... I seem to be in a purple rut, don't I?

Have a super Saturday!


  1. Beautiful! Is the first one an allium? ...I've always wanted to try growing those... as for purple, well when I look at the annuals I just bought, they are all almost purple and pinks! Cheers~

  2. Beautiful....I LOVE Spring!!! and I LOVE
    Have a great weekend.

  3. Looks like some pretty shades of lavender! I love them! Sweet hugs!

  4. I had tons of flower blooming at once and they were all purple too!
    I think they should have a season called "Purple" ...
    Or...these photos would make a great tag or collage or paper something or other (that you're so great with) and some fabulous lyrics like "smoke on the water" or something artsy like that.
    You know... you like it!

    ;) Pat
