Tuesday, June 18, 2013

TT/Letter X

A little challenging this week at Tag Tuesday.  The letter "X".  There are a couple movie star choices: Francis X. Bushman, um... Francis X. Bushman.  Anyway, I went with one of my favorites, The Marx Brothers.

On a documentary, it was said during the darkest days of WWII, Winston Churchill took a break to watch a Marx Brothers film.  If that's true, it speaks volumes for what laughter can do.

Have a good laugh today!


  1. How cute! I love this type of old comedy! And I smile a lot and laugh often!

  2. Very cute!! I miss the old time comedy. It could make you laugh without bleeping out every other word....lol

  3. Love that little tid-bit about laughter. I could use one. But first, work! Work work work :D

  4. It's hard to be depressed watching Groucho.

  5. Ok, I feel kinda dumb, now. I did click on the image, and yes, it is bigger. That doesn't always work for me... hmmm.. I love to see the details of a project. Thanks!

  6. Laughter, the best medicine, it's true! Endorphin levels rise in the brain when we have a good laugh and we feel better!
