Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Not More Flower Shots!

Yes, more flower shots! It occurred to me the somewhat lame pictures my relatives used to take of flowers back in the 60s and 70s with instamatic type cameras. On a standard photo, the flower would be swimming in negative space or out of focus. Those were about the only choices. How nice to have this nifty macro setting today! Anyway...

Can you see the hot pink near the center?  Cool!

Cosmos once again

Groups of resurrection lilies

Interesting backside of a morning glory

You're right-- that's not a flower. Katydid, I think. My husband spotted it on our garage. Somehow the "leafy" camouflage effect is lost on a white wall.

Enjoy your day!


  1. Beautiful shots even if they are flowers :)

  2. My mother used to take pictures all the time of flowers, I have become my mother! Hah! I like looking at your flower pics, Diane and just about any I see!

  3. I love flower shots and katydids are just an added bonus. xo Laura

    1. Thanks for the comment! Katydids are pretty neat.

  4. I think the back of the morning glory is as pretty as the front. Did you ever blow soap bubbles with morning glory blooms? We did as children, but I have no idea if that was a good idea. We didn't seem to suffer any harm, thankfully.
