Friday, May 9, 2014

Another Mix of Finds

This week the thrift stores netted another odd mix of finds. No, I'm not getting married or getting a Beagle, but at ten cents apiece, I thought these magazines might come in handy for collage work especially since I've been dabbling with that tape transfer technique.

I bought four of these large tissue paper, flower things, you know what I mean; grocery stores used to hang them from the ceilings. Being all white, I thought these would look nice hanging on my (enclosed) front porch or in the windows come next December.

So why would I buy a red scarf and wide black belt? My daughter is playing a pirate in a school musical. Thrift stores to the rescue! How perfect.

Speaking of daughter-- can't forget her when you're thrifting.

And I did find a couple things for the Etsy shop.

And now turning to the weather. Who is goofing around with the thermostat? After one of the coldest starts to May on record, this was our temp yesterday afternoon.

Not in full bloom yet, but the lilacs are on their way.  How nice!

Have a great weekend!


  1. I think it's going to be a while before I will be smelling any lilacs here!!

    I bought a couple of those paper things on after Christmas clearance, red and white - the red was perfect for Valentine's Day, I still haven't used the white one - they're cute!!

  2. I love the old books you found. I need to look in your shop...again! It's HOT here in Florida already! 91 for todays high. Sweet hugs!

  3. I bought that covered wagon book fr my daughter many years ago.

    Don't you love lilacs? I have them in my yard too.

  4. we've had some crazy weather too. Lots of rain and thunderstorms...highwinds and tornado warnings in the Dallas, metroplex area. It is so humid today... I was tempted to turn the A/C on!
    Lilacs...are so pretty.
    red scarf and black belt...just scream all sorts of 'pirate' don't they.
    I've neglected my Etsy shop.
    Need swift kick in the pants toward that venue...

  5. Too warm, too fast..Happy Mothers Day DIane

  6. Well that is certainly an eclectic but very useful mix! Holy smokes, you've got it hot in your neck of the woods and lilacs, love them and can't wait till ours bloom. Enjoy!

  7. You just never know what you'll find at the thrifts. As Diane said, we're really hot here and no rain until about the middle of June in our area. So happy the air conditioners are working!
