Wednesday, January 2, 2013

From Planet Q

I decided to share one of the more light-hearted Christmas gifts I received.  Four boxes of Quisp cereal and a Quisp bobblehead.  From my husband.  Who else?

I will say I was pleasantly surprised!



  1. Talk about bringing back memories! Quisp was my FAVORITE cereal (Quake was my brother's). One time they offered a toy helmet with a light on the back of the boxes and my mother swears she ordered them for us, but they never arrived. I'm so sorry I didn't pick up a box when they were featured in the grocery store recently. Enjoy your breakfast and Happy New Year!

  2. OMG - that is my all time favorite cereal. We can't get it by me anymore, but when I visited my sister in Denver last year, she had a box sitting in the kitchen for me. What a treat!!

  3. Hi Diane,
    I so glad you came by and visited! Thank you for your kind comment.
    I just became your newest follower. I'm all about levity...It's something my grandma taught me. She always said that when life gets a bit challenging start looking for something to add a touch of laughter. A good philosophy...
    I look forward to your posts, my new friend!
