Friday, November 27, 2015

Friday Favorite

Since today is Black Friday (I'm a little weary of that term-- how about you?), I'm asking: What is your favorite thing to shop for? Here are a few ideas to get your brain going. Groceries?


Fabric, craft supplies?

Paint, home improvement items?

Plants, gardening needs?

Holiday stuff?

Or maybe gifts, clothing, shoes, cars? So do tell!

Me-- no surprise, I would say craft stuff, scrapbook paper, etc.

Have a good weekend!


  1. Honestly? I'm not a big holiday shopper and will avoid the stores. But some of that pretty fabric would be tempting if the lines were short! haha! Hugs!

  2. Probably plants...I don't really like shopping...

  3. We could shop together - crafty stuff for me too!!

  4. craft supplies and paint go hand in hand for me.

  5. I guess I would have to say craft supplies... But from the hardware store like Ace Truevalue or Lowes... My craftiness comes in the form of building stuff! Enjoy the rest of your weekend-- cold and wet here.

  6. Yep,I'm a little weary of Black Friday, Cyber Monday and every other slick advertising gimic they come up with! I actually hate shopping in all it's various forms but can usually rouse myself if craft supplies are involved, especially if I can shop online while wearing my pj's!
