Saturday, December 13, 2014

A Mix of Finds

Seems like "just a few thrifts" is all I've been finding lately which is still better than zip, right? Two books and a made in Hong Kong plastic nativity ornament.

Although this one is shaped differently, I had a plastic nativity ornament when I was a kid. I wonder what ever happened to that?

The "Ho, Ho, Ho!" book is full of Andy Warhol's Christmas artwork. Kind of interesting.

Here is a page from the above cookbook-- whatever happened to this world?

I also found a Christmas tablecloth is nice condition. I must apologize for not ironing it, but I wanted to hurry and get it listed so I let that slide. Shame on me! What my grandmothers would think!!

Have a great day-- hope you live up to your grandmother's standards!


  1. I like the tablecloth. I'm going thru garage sale withdrawal. I put myself on hold until I sell some more stuff - I ran out of room to keep things. I'm beginning to think I need hoarder intervention.

  2. Like you said, at least you found something! I visited all my regular stops this week - nothing!!!

    Your manger scene looks so familiar, I think I might have had that very one, way back. I thrifted one last year but it's a bit bigger.

  3. I love to find old books. I actually have that old cookbook. It's the first one I got when I got married. A friend told me it had the 'basics' and she knew I didn't know how to cook! haha! Sweet hugs, Diane

  4. Great haul...
    I used to collect little nativities. I think they're packed away now. Some of them I gave away to newly married couples that were having their first Christmas...
    The books look interesting. I taught all my children to cook-- but so many people don't know how to open a can...much less read a recipe now adays!

  5. The nativity ornament looks a lot larger when photographed just by itself.
