Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Password Is 'Boring'"

So while en route to a local thrift store yesterday, I spied a garage sale sign.  A nearby street-- so I head that way and pass five more signs for the same sale.  I couldn't read the house number but figured I'd find it-- not a very long street.  Well, I drove the length of said street and never spotted any sale.  Turned around and followed another car in search of something; probably the same sale.  Neither one of us saw it while going in that direction either. What-- they sold out by 10:15 a.m.? Changed their minds?  Forgot to take down the signs last week?  Have a warped sense of humor?  Oh well.  On to the thrift store.  No Holy Grails there either. "Thrift" findings have been very slim in my neck of the woods lately.  Here is the big haul (for fifty cents).

Not sure it was worth that much.


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